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Axiological Pluralism

Carlo Casonato Lucia Busatta

Volume curato da Lucia Busatta e Carlo Casonato, sul rapporto tra diritto, dimensione valoriale e progresso medico scientifico, con i contributi di Roger Brownsword, Lucia Busatta, Carlo Casonato, Ricardo Chueca, Itziar de Lecuona, Elena Falletti Juan Alberto Lecaros, Davide Paris, Simone Penasa, Andrea Perin, Elisabetta Pulice, Carlos Maria Romeo Casabona, Marta Tomasi, Erick Valdés.

Springer, 2021, collana Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, pagine VI, 252.

A questo link  l'indice e l'abstract dei singoli capitoli.


Il libro si occupa di analizzare le caratteristiche e le specificità del rapporto tra diritto, dimensione valoriale e progresso medico-scientifico al banco di prova di giudici e organi paragiurisdizionali.

I vari gradi di integrazione del dato scientifico e dei valori morali nel discorso giuridico suggeriscono la necessità di un approccio sistematico per classificare queste diversi livelli di interazione e per compiere un'analisi dell'evolversi del ruolo delle giurisdizioni e dei mezzi a loro disposizione per gestire correttamente i bisogni emergenti nelle società contemporanee caratterizzate da un crescente pluralismo.

Il volume propone un modello che consente di focalizzare e affrontare questi temi in modo sostenibile, offrendo risposta al combinarsi di istanze individuali e progresso tecnologico nel campo del biodiritto.

Abstract (ENG)

This book analyses the features and functionality of the relationship between the law, individual or collective values and medical-scientific evidence when they have to be interpreted by judges, courts and para-jurisdictional bodies. The various degrees to which scientific data and moral values have been integrated into the legal discourse reveal the need for a systematic review of the options and solutions that judges have elaborated on. In turn, the book presents a systematic approach, based on a proposed pattern for classifying these various degrees, together with an in-depth analysis of the multi-layered role of jurisdictions and the means available to them for properly handling new legal demands arising in plural societies.
The book outlines a model that makes it possible to focus on and address these issues in a sustainable manner, that is, to respond to individual requests and technological advances in the field of biolaw by consistently and effectively applying suitable legal instruments and jurisdictional interpretation.​

Indice del volume


Carlo Casonato, Lucia Busatta


BioLaw facing pluralisms: three simple models for complex issues

Lucia Busatta

Some patterns for “scientific adjudication”: the role of courts in reconciling axiological pluralism and scientific complexity

Simone Penasa


Research Ethics Committees

Itziar de Lecuona

Consultative boards at international level

Carlos Maria Romeo Casabona

Reckoning with growing pluralism. Potentials and limits of conscientious objection: Conscience clauses in abortion laws in Europe

Davide Paris

Professional medical ethics

Elisabetta Pulice



Axiological Pluralism: Conflict in the Hospital, Resolution in the Courts

Roger Brownsword

Axiological pluralism and health claims as a challenge for the democratic principle. The cases of non validated therapies and vaccinations

Marta Tomasi

Reliance on Scientific Claims in Social and Legal Contexts: An ‘HIV and AIDS’ Case Study

Andrea Perin

Reproductive Rights in Italy

Elena Falletti

End of life issues

Ricardo Chueca

Patient’s rights at the end of life in Chilean legal system. Legal and jurisprudential analysis from biolaw’s perspective

Erick Valdés, Juan Alberto Lecaros

Pubblicato il: Venerdì, 10 Settembre 2021
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