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Online First - BLJ 1/23: Lo status di figlio nato da maternità surrogata Oltre la dicotomia fra dignità della donna e identità del bambino

Contributo di Federico Pistelli accettato per la pubblicazione nel fascicolo n. 1/2023 di BioLaw Journal - Rivista di Biodiritto (dove comparirà nella forma adatta alla citazione).

Online first: 30 gennaio 2023

ABSTRACT: The essay analyses the issue of the status of the child born through surrogacy and the possible instruments for establishing the bond with the intended parent. After an examination of the regulating principles of the phenomenon, the essay focuses on the solutions proposed by Italian jurisprudence, which has recently reaffirmed that adoption simple constitutes the only way for establishing the parental relationship with the child born through surrogacy. The essay provides some critical insights into the approach that places the dignity of women and the interest of the child in antinomy with each other, suggesting the opportunity to distinguish the instruments to discourage surrogacy from those to protect the continuity of status.

Altri autori

Federico Pistelli

Pubblicato il: Lunedì, 30 Gennaio 2023 - Ultima modifica: Venerdì, 03 Febbraio 2023
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