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Online First - BLJ 1S/21: Is it possible to place limits on the self-determination of your own genetic data? Certainly, and there is an urgent need for it!

Article by Iñigo De Miguel Beriain and Daniel Jove accepted for publication in the Special Issue S1/21 of BioLaw Journal - Rivista di BioDiritto.

Online first: 22 December 2020

ABSTRACT:Voluntary disclosure of data is becoming an increasingly common practice. The problem is that these actions can seriously harm the relatives of those make such disclosures. This could happen with genetic data, which belongs to all persons about whom it provides information, regardless of who the sample donor is. What can be done in this situation? We defend the idea that they are the rights conferred by the GDPR to data subjects. On this basis, any processing of genetic data should be seen as an exercise of balancing interests, except where the need to respect professional secrecy requires otherwise.

Pubblicato il: Martedì, 22 Dicembre 2020 - Ultima modifica: Lunedì, 29 Marzo 2021
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